Histories of Christianity in our City

1880 - 1920

Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church

Friday, August 23, 2024

Welcome to Histories of Christianity in our City. We’re glad you’re here.

Histories of Christianity in our City is a 10-year project for leaders in our city who are grounded in their Christian faith to remember rightly our past, cultivate transformative relationships, and pass on a legacy of common memory to the next generation of leaders in our city to learn from our past and shape our future.

Together we are creating a historical, relational, and transformational community.

Histories of Christianity in our City 1880 - 1920

8:30 am- 9:00 am - Coffee & Pastries (Heritage Center)

Café Tres Cuban Bakery
Flipside Coffee

9:00 am - 9:20 am - Opening & Welcome (Heritage Center)

Welcome to Histories of Christianity in our City
MiDian Holmes & Jared Mackey
Co-Directors, Histories of Christianity in our City

Welcome to Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church
Rev. Clover Reuter Beal
Co-Pastor, Montview Presbyterian Church

9:30 am - 11:00 am - Session One (Sanctuary)

The Klan’s Control of the City & the Church
Adrian Miller
President, Colorado Council of Churches

The Lasting Wound of the Anti-Chinese Riots of 1880
Linda Jew
Great-granddaughter of Chin Lin Sou

Buildings of Faith: The Architecture of Churches in Denver
Erik Hall
Partner, VTBS Architects

11:00 am - 11:30 am - Coffee & Conversation (Atrium & Garden)

11:30 am - 12:45 pm - Session Two (Sanctuary)

The Tattered Life of Jim Goodheart & The Sunshine Rescue Mission
Blake Nauman
Director of Philanthropy, Denver Rescue Mission

Faith Without Borders: St. Frances Xavier (Mother) Cabrini's Lasting Legacy
The Very Reverend Samuel Morehead
Rector of Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception

Invitation & Benediction
MiDian Holmes & Jared Mackey
Co-Directors, Histories of Christianity in our City

12:45 pm - 1:30pm - Lunch (Fellowship Hall)

Roaming Buffalo BBQ

Continuing Conversations with Presenters:
Adrian Miller - Linda Jew - Erik Hall - Blake Nauman - Fr. Samuel Morehead

Thank you to Montview Presbyterian Church for hosting this event with Histories of Christianity in our City.


  • President, Colorado Council of Churches

    Adrian is the executive director of the Colorado Council of Churches, as such, is the first African American, and the first layperson, to hold that position. 

    Adrian is also the co-project director and lead curator for the “Proclaiming Colorado’s Black History” exhibit at the Museum of Boulder. Adrian served as a special assistant to President Bill Clinton with his Initiative for One America to address issues of racial, religious and ethnic reconciliation.

    Adrian Miller is a food writer, James Beard Award winner, recovering attorney, and certified barbecue judge who lives in Denver, Colorado.

  • Partner, VTBS Architects

    Erik Hall laid down his creative pen to pursue God’s call in ministry, but discovered the creative drive to design and create beauty was God’s good gift and intention for him all along.

    Erik holds an M.Div in Christian Formation and Soul Care from Denver Seminary, and is a Partner and Design Director of Van Tilburg, Banvard and Soderbergh, AIA (VTBS Architects) in Denver, Colorado.

    Living life holistically without a sacred and secular divide, he understands his calling as “turning it beautiful,” be it through architectural design, pastoring, painting, or shepherding his four children with his wife Amanda.

  • Rector of Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception

    The Very Reverend Samuel Morehead has served as the Rector of the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception for the last three years, in addition to his responsibilities as Dean, overseeing twelve parishes in the heart of Denver.

    Father Sam first studied English and broadcasting journalism at the University of Colorado at Boulder before attending St John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver.

    With over 100 years of personal family history in the city, he is a Catholic priest with a passion for history: for the persons and stories that still shape us today.

  • Director of Philanthropy, Denver Rescue Mission

    Blake has served in various roles in ministries and nonprofit organizations since 2012 and is currently the Director of Philanthropy at Denver Rescue Mission, where he has worked for 9 years. His passion for homelessness alleviation was furthered during his masters program at Denver Seminary, where he focused his studies on justice, advocacy, and best practice work around serving those experiencing homelessness right here in our city.

    In 2019 he became a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) due to his successful tenure as a fundraiser. Blake is a graduate of the University of Colorado’s Leeds School of Business and received his Masters of Arts from Denver Seminary.

  • Co-Director, Histories of Christianity in our City

    MiDian Holmes grew up in Denver, Colorado, and has a rich history in our city. She is the product of a multi-generational presence of Black family and Black community.

    MiDian is the founder of the Epitome of Black Excellence & Partnership and the owner of 8PM Consulting for Humanity. She is sought out by the community at large and is committed to holding the hands and hearts of others to join her on the journey of decentering ourselves and seeking God to restore a place of belonging for our community, our city, and our society. MiDian’s commitment to this work has earned her the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award, a feature in the PBS-aired documentary Standing in the Gap, and recognition in many publications.

    MiDian is the mother of 3 adult-aged children, Calvin, Jon’il, and Devionne, the mother-in-law of Julynne (married to Calvin), and Ma’Belle to Luna Maria Fugett.

  • Founder and Co-Director, Histories of Christianity in our City

    Jared is a concierge for the Kingdom. His deep joy is connecting individuals, organizations, and ideas. He has served as clergy in Denver for over 30 years.

    Jared leads The Sacred Grace, a nonprofit organization committed to cultivating love of neighbor and neighborhood. He has served on various faith, civic, and nonprofit advisory boards in the city of Denver.

    Jared, and his daughter Kenna, live in the Washington Virginia Vale neighborhood.

Documentary Film: “Reclaiming Denver’s Chinatown”

Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church is located at 1980 Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80220

The main entrance to the church is on the Dahlia Street side of the campus (indicated in red on the map below). Limited parking is available on the south side of the campus and in an alleyway across from the Dahlia Street entrance (indicated in yellow). Parking is also available on neighborhood streets.

Handicap parking is available in our main parking lot and on Eudora Lane. There is also ADA access to the building via the Dahlia Street and Eudora Lane entrances.


Why is this project important?

We see leaders who follow the way of Jesus in our city sharing a common faith, but lacking a shared memory of the past and compassionate action in the present.

In the words of author Mark Charles, “Where common memory is lacking, where people do not share in the same past, there can be no real community. For community be formed, common memory must be created.”

What is the hope for this project?

We see this project as a gift of legacy for future leaders who follow the way of Jesus from the work of listening and learning from the Histories of Christianity in our City.

Why a 10-Year project?

A 10-year project is long enough to foster meaningful transformation in the lives of the leaders who participate and short enough to believe in the influence it could have in our city.

Who is leading the project?

This project is being co-led by MiDian Holmes, Founder of The Epitome of Black Excellence & Partnership, and Jared Mackey, Executive Director of The Sacred Grace.

Who is curating the content?

There is a council of diverse leaders who follow the Way of Jesus who are serving as advisory voices on the content, topics, and speakers for each year’s program. If you are interested in collaborating with other leaders in curating the content please contact jared@historiescc.org.